4th NCOI 2007


4th NCOI 2007

(Past Event – This webpage is for information/archival Purposes Only)

“Federal Accountability, Local Governance”

Date 3rd February 2007 (past event)
Venue UCSI, Main Campus, Cheras, KL (location map)


9 am – 1 pm (end with lunch)


The organizers

The National Congress on Integrity is an initiative of the Graduates Christian Fellowship (GCF, also http://www.integritycongress-my.org/) and the Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI). It began in 2005 with a focus on the issue of Corruption: The Weakest Link. The 2nd NCOI focused on Christian Citizenship and the Local Government. The 3rd congress was focused on Concept of Integrity from the Islamic & Christian Perspectives. This is the fourth Congress and is designed to be open to all. All those invited must register to become participants.

The Text:
Federal Accountability, Local Governance

The 4th NCOI or the Fourth National Congress on Integrity will be themed, Federal Accountability, Local Governance.  It will be jointly organized by NCOI (National Congress on Integrity), APPAC (All PJ Pro-Action Committee), the SUN and other willing private sector partners.

The Core Issue of deliberation is quality of Representative Governance
The recent case of Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros, the disrespectful Local Councilor provides the central framework to review and reexamine the core issues related to Local Governance in Malaysia.

An NST Article by Roger Tan provides as good a framework as any to begin the discussion of issues.  The core issue framed by Roger Tan, a lawyer by profession, is, “why do these two councilors have such scant regard for the laws which they are entrusted to enforce?”  Roger Tan concluded with the following paragraph, “Perhaps, as a start, Section 10(2) of the Local Government Act can be amended to require the state authority to consult either the minister or the National Council for Local Government in the appointment and reappointment of local councilors.”  The organizers of the 4th NCOI agree that the core issue is the “quality of representative local governance” which will help define good governance at the level of Local Authority.  Premised on this thesis, we propose the theme of the 4th NCOI as Federal Accountability, Local Governance.

Modus Operandi of the Roundtable Dialogue
Two Keynote Speakers will help set the stage for this Roundtable Dialogue.  They are YB Dato Shahrir Abdul Samad, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and a leading Constitutional Lawyer, Dato Dr Cyrus Das. They will both be given 20 minutes each to make the formal presentation. After some question and answers, four selected interveners will be given 10 minutes each to make their comments and raise issues not already raised by them.

Following this the plenary session and a short break, Roundtables of 6-8 persons will discuss the core issue from their perspectives.  All tables and participants will have the opportunity to partake of the discussion and resolutions.  Selected problem statements and resolutions will then be presented for a final commentary by the 7 invited speakers for the final Roundup and the Dialogue will be formally closed.

The Organizing Committee hopes to table the views of the Roundtable will be tabled to the Parliamentary Special Committee on Integrity.

The views of the Roundtable will be tabled as citizen’s views to the Parliamentary Committee on Integrity.

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers: YB Dato Shahrir Abdul Samad, Chairman Public Accounts Committee
YBhg Dato Dr Cyrus Das, Former President of the Malaysian Bar Council
Moderator: YB Dato Dr Tan Kee Kwong, Member of Parliament for Segambut
Commentators: Citizen R Nadeswaran of the SUN Newspaper
Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi, Constitutional Law Professor, UiTM
Mr Edward Lee, Protem Chairman of PJ Action
Andrew Khoo, Legal Advisor of the Anglican Bishop of West Malaysia



For any other information, please call 03-78773701 or email admin@ohmsi.net


  • Registration fee: RM30 per person to be paid on admission which includes lunch
  • Group registrations of ten are at RM 250 per group with pre-registrations.
  • Walk-in registrations at RM 40 rper person
  • For those registering as a group of 10, please register and make checks payments to:
    “Graduates Christian Fellowship, P.O. Box 8320, 46789, Kelana Jaya, Selangor”
  • Pre-registration is STRONGLY encouraged to allow the organizers to plan for food and seating. Pre-registration can be done online by filling up the form below:

Here is a large visual situable for use full-screen on your PC – use this as your screen saver, desktop picture or as the very first slide in your next corporate Powerpoint Presentation!

Make a Statement!
Start the meeting / conversation on the right note!

(How to SAVE-AS or Copy this Image:
Point your mouse cursor onto the graphic,
right-click your mouse button, and choose to either copy or save)

— Registration for this event (past) is over —