7th National Congress on Integrity (7th NCOI)


The7th National Congress on Integrity (7th NCOI)
13th September 2014; 5.00pm-9.00pm
CCM Ecumenical Centre, 26 Jalan Universiti, Petaling Jaya

This is the 7th in our NCOI series. The initial phase of this dialogue started on 25th January 2014. Co-organized by Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) and Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI) the organizers produced a 13-page full Report of the Dialogue.

The same document was transformed into a 3-page Policy Document (PDF, 355 KB) which is now tabled for review and support by all NGOs attending the final phase of the 7th NCOI. The co-organizing NGOs are IRF, Global Movement of Moderates or GMM, Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia or SABM, Sisters in Islam or SIS, National Evangelical Christian Fellowship or NECF, Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia or GBM and OHMSI.

7th NCOI on 13th September 2014

The schedule is as follows:

4.30pm-4.45pm Registration of Invitees
4.45pm-5.00pm Welcome Addresses by IRF and OHMSI
5.00pm-5.15pm Tabling of Policy Proposal by Organizing Committee Representative
Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, CEO GMM
5.15pm-6.15pm Respondents at 7 minutes each on 3-page Policy Paper

  • Ho Yock Lin and Rayner Yeo Sylvester
  • Dr Helen Ting, IKMAS, UKM
  • Mr Halmie Azri, ABIM
  • KV Soon Vidayananda, Secretary of the International Forum on Buddhist Muslim Relations (BMF)
  • Dato A Vaithilingam, former Chairman of MCCMBST
  • Dr Maimuna Merican, Gender Studies Programme, Univeriti Malaya
  • Ms Siti Kassim, Legal Advisor to Orang Asli
  • Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog
6.15pm-7.15pm Facilitated Roundtable Discussion by all present, Chief Facilitator is Mr UK Menon
7.15pm-8.15pm Break for Refreshments and Prayer time
8.15pm-9.15pm Live Video Conference with University
Professor S.H. Nasr of George Washington University and Q&A session.
9.30pm Conclusion of 7th NCOI and Goodnight.


Please do confirm your participation with Mr Tan Kong Beng who is assisting us at his email kongbeng7@gmail.com or by phone +6016 3689543 at the earliest possible by Friday evening 12th September 2014 to help us with all logistical preparations. Mr Tan will inform us of the numbers participating. For those who require vegetarian meals please indicate that to us.

If you have any queries about the programme content please contact Dr KJ John at +6012 3451950.

We hope to see many of us taking this opportunity to contribute to a better Malaysia for ourselves and our children as we dialogue, engage and accept each other for a better Malaysia.

Yours sincerely,

KJ John
Founding Director,