Was Jesus Political?

Venue: PJ Gospel Hall, Jalan Gasing PJ
Date: 15th September 2007 (past event)
Time: 10.00am – 12.30pm
Moderator: Rev Dr Hwa Yung, Bishop, Methodist Church of Malaysia
Speakers: Dr Lim Kar Yong, Lecturer in New Testament Studies, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Dr K. J. John, Executive Director, Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute
Commentators: Rev Dr Hermen Shastri, General Secretary, CCM and CFM.
Dr Beth Baikan, Catholic Scholar from Stella Maris Parsih, Sabah
Brother Goh Keat Peng, Executive Secretary, MCCBCHST
Brother Steven CM Wong, Chairman, NECF Research Commission
Sister Tricia Yeoh, Senior Policy Analyst, CPPS

OHMSI was set up in 2004 with the goal to create frameworks for dialogue and engagement where followers of Jesus Christ and members of society become relevant and significant in the public spaces of national life. But, is the Bride of Christ in Malaysia ready for this task of public space engagement? Can Christians be political without getting involved in party politics? What is the role of Christians on public issues and the related public policy dialogue? Are we an Islamic State? Can we evolve a Bangsa Malaysia? Who will fight corruption and for integrity? Whose responsibility is it to ensure the application of universal values, ethics and morality in the public spaces of life in Malaysia? In the light of many challenges facing Malaysia, what is our role as Christians in Malaysia to continue to be the salt and light of the Gospel on these issues and concerns?

With all these questions in our hearts and minds, this inaugural OHMSI Dialogue will ask the question, “Was Jesus political?”

This OHMSI Dialogue is designed for good scholarship towards effective discipleship.
Therefore, all Christians of any denomination are welcome and invited to participate in this Dialogue.  For more information, kindly contact KJ John.

Photos from the Dialogue: